Monday, August 11, 2008

Makayla's Big Day

Our granddaughter is graduating kindergarten. I remember her just being a toddler & the next time you turn around she is graduating kindergarten. Where does the time go??? She is a joy to be around. Makayla likes to read books, color & write. I see the future now her being a reporter.
maybe??? I love her so much. Here's looking to a bright future for her.


pchickki said...

She is a sweetie and growing up to fast. I visit Jennifers blog often and keep up on what is going on with the kids. She has posted some pretty cute pictures of her graduation.

You must be a proud Grandmother!
Love Ya

pchickki said...

Are you ever going to post anything on your blog? This is the only way I have to keep up about the little ones.

I are a busy executives wife now. NO time to blog.

Miss you lots